An other dimensional visitor from a
mysterious place called Australia. This former leather clad drunkard
is now confined to a wheelchair. Local Legend has it that Trademark
drank a bottle of Megaswish and lived. But the binge took its toll.
Trademark lost most of his body hair
and an almost complete body shutdown and self rejuvenation akin to 20th
Century Chemotherapy. The mercenary has also lost the use of his legs for an
undetermined length of time. Doctors suggest that Trademark will
eventually make a full recovery from the near fatal Megaswish dosage.
However, a definite time frame cannot be established.
Always known as a wiseass, the ordeal
has stripped away most of the sarcasm that he was known for and replaced it
with a strange psychosis where Trademark believes he is talking to a woman
named "Connie."
Trademark now insists he be called
"Mister X" and has used knowledge from an unknown source to gain
the legal rights to the Black Cat name and all the monies and equipment
associated with that Merc group.
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