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What are important organizations that would be helpful to know?

NSPD: New Seattle Police Department. The law enforcement in NS, funded, armed, and staffed by T-Tech and the RCF. Loyal, honest, and dedicated. There’s no corruption (when it’s found it’s eliminated) and the police receive no preferential treatment from Taran or T-Tech. They’re equipped with good quality 5ST gear and are hand picked from RCF Mps and T-Tech Security forces. 

NSCDU: New Seattle Civil Defense Unit: Essentially the National Guard, a branch of the 5ST Mobile Inf, the NSCDU is equipped with high-tech weapons and mecha 

T-Tech Enterprises: Of course the power behind NS, both technologically and politically. T-Tech Built NS, T-Tech Funds NS, T-Tech employs nearly all NS citizens, T-Tech protects NS, so naturally T-Tech Runs NS.

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Last updated: February 10, 2001.

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Copyright 1983, 1987, 1988, 1990 Kevin Siembieda; Copyright 1995 Palladium Books(R), All rights reserved world wide. No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Rifts(R), Palladium Books(R), Mechanoids(R), The Mechanoid Invasion(R), Megaverse(R), RECON(R), and After the Bomb(R). Nightbane(tm), Nightlands(tm), Heroes Unlimited(tm), Villains Unlimited(tm), Beyond the Supernatural(tm), Boxed Nightmares(tm), Ninjas & Superspies(tm), Mystic China(tm), Palladium Fantasy RPG(tm), Triax(tm), Mindwerks(tm), Vampire Kingdoms(tm), The Juicer Uprising(tm), Phase World(tm), Wormwood(tm), Psyscape(tm), Mega-Damage(tm), S.D.C.(tm), I.S.P.(tm), P.P.E.(tm), SAMAS(tm), Splugorth(tm), Cyber-Knight(tm), Glitter Boy(tm), Juicer(tm), Mind Melter(tm), Psi-Stalker(tm), Coalition States(tm), Northern Gun(tm), Erin Tarn(tm), Naruni(tm)
