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Physical Description:

(her first entry into the PICL game:)

A stunningly beautiful woman that appears to be elfish steps into the doorway of the bar. She seems to be in her early 20's. Her long and straight fiery red hair glows in the afternoon sunlight. Eyes that look to be gray show her to be wiser than what one is usually in their early 20's. She looks around the bar and shifts her slight 5'10" frame to see better into the smoky interior. She unconsciously pats the pockets of her black leather pants and checks the collar of her hunter green blouse. Two swords lay sheathed in simple, yet stylish, scabbards. The faint outline of the hilt of a knife appears above her black boots.


In other words, Dawnfyre is an exceedingly gorgeous (beyond movie star gorgeous) woman that is a big flirt and seems to know how to defend herself if nothing else.  

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Last updated: February 10, 2001.

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Copyright 1983, 1987, 1988, 1990 Kevin Siembieda; Copyright 1995 Palladium Books(R), All rights reserved world wide. No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Rifts(R), Palladium Books(R), Mechanoids(R), The Mechanoid Invasion(R), Megaverse(R), RECON(R), and After the Bomb(R). Nightbane(tm), Nightlands(tm), Heroes Unlimited(tm), Villains Unlimited(tm), Beyond the Supernatural(tm), Boxed Nightmares(tm), Ninjas & Superspies(tm), Mystic China(tm), Palladium Fantasy RPG(tm), Triax(tm), Mindwerks(tm), Vampire Kingdoms(tm), The Juicer Uprising(tm), Phase World(tm), Wormwood(tm), Psyscape(tm), Mega-Damage(tm), S.D.C.(tm), I.S.P.(tm), P.P.E.(tm), SAMAS(tm), Splugorth(tm), Cyber-Knight(tm), Glitter Boy(tm), Juicer(tm), Mind Melter(tm), Psi-Stalker(tm), Coalition States(tm), Northern Gun(tm), Erin Tarn(tm), Naruni(tm)
